Best witcher 3 mods 2019
Best witcher 3 mods 2019

best witcher 3 mods 2019

Now exploration really fucking matters because buying all those ingredients is really expensive and getting that glowing ore for Moon Dust bombs or something else is major pain in ass if you want to actually be in green instead of red. I unlocked vineyard from B&W and when i looked at 1000 bill for basic upgrade i said "fuck it", my witcha is too poor.

best witcher 3 mods 2019

I have TW1 flashbacks where i barely scrape by.Īfter playing like 20 hours i finally earned up enough to cover for one upgrade to runemaker, silver sword with ability to switch of specters regeneration permanently and viper steel sword.

best witcher 3 mods 2019

Combined with the mod I posted in the post above that removes loot scaling, this makes doing difficult quests in comparison to your level actually worth completing. This incentivizes doing harder, higher level quests first. If you are 15 levels below the quest level, you get 276% of the normal quest XP." If you are at the quest level, you get 100%. This leads to the XP curve you can see in the image.įor instance: If you are 40 levels above the quest level, you get ~7% of the normal quest XP. The exact XP gain follows the formula: XPTotal = QuestXP * 1.07^(QuestLevel - PCLevel). If you have a lower level than the quest, you get more XP for completing it.

best witcher 3 mods 2019

If you have a higher level than the quest, you get less XP for it (but always more than 0). With this mod, the amount of XP you get also depends on the difference between your level and the quest level. "In Witcher 3, the amount of XP you get for completing a quest is fixed for that quest, unless Geralt's level is 5 or more higher than the quest level, in which case you get nothing. Volumetric Clouds over Skellige: Why this wasn't in the game in the first place I have no fucking clue. I'm retarded and forgot to include these other two as essential as well (can't edit my post due to time limitations):

Best witcher 3 mods 2019